What is Just One More?

The concept behind Just One More is a perpetual food drive which takes place in one’s own home. While shopping, you buy one additional item that can be placed into a box or bag for donation.

So it’s just a food drive?

Yes! But without a time limit and demand of a large donation. Not everyone is capable of giving to every cause they run into, but this doesn’t mean that we don’t care for other people. Just One More goes further than a temporary food drive in that it encourages frequent consideration of others. 

How can I take part?

It’s very straight forward, whenever you go grocery shopping, just pick up one extra item and drop it in your box at home. This can include non-perishable food and other useful items for donation such as deodorant or toothpaste. Whether you take several months, or even a year, your efforts will make someone’s day better.

Unfortunately, Keychains won't be mailed for awhile. I'm currently job searching and will begin mailing out free keychains once I obtain a steady income. I appreciate your interest!